All the working out and crunches in the world wont matter if you don’t change to a healthier diet. You will never see the six pack just below the layer of belly fat if you don’t .
The fact of the matter is getting lean six packs abs isn’t the easiest thing to do, and is going to require three things from you.
1) Dedication - What you put into this, is what you will get out of this.
2) Motivation - You have to try and stay motivated even when it is hard,and you don‘t feel like it.
3) Patients - Just remember it took a while to get that beer belly, and it is going to take a little while to get rid of it.
1) walk, jog, swim, anything that will get your heart rate up.The trick is to do it in burst.
Brisk Walk for 3 min
Run for 1 min
Brisk walk for 2 min
Run for 2 min
Brisk Walk for 2 min
Repeat two more times for a total of 30 min of cardio. The next thing is going to be the actual abs workout program.
1) Swiss ball plank - Rest your weight on your elbows, which should be stabilizing you on the Swiss ball. Hold your body in a straight line from head to toes with abs contracted throughout the exercise and maintain this position for 30 seconds to a minute if you are a beginner.
2) Side plank with a twist - Lie down on your right side with your elbow under your shoulder. Your hips should be stacked. Now lift up through your hips so you have one straight line from your head down to your heels. Stretch your left arm up above your shoulder, reaching your fingers toward the ceiling. Bring your left arm down under your body. Repeat same motion on the other side. Do three sets of ten.
3) Swiss ball jack knife - placing both shins on the Swiss ball and both your hands straight on the floor before you. Try to keep both hands a little wider apart than your shoulders. Make sure to maintain a straight line from your head to your toes.
The movement is simple yet challenging: roll the ball toward your upper body with your legs together while curling your abs and bending your knees to your chest.
This exercise is not easy so do as many as you can; the important thing is to do the one’s you can do right. Another program that will help you get rid of the belly fat try Nitro Muscle Mass for a 30 day trial with the chance of winning 1000.00 just for trying Nitro Muscle. It is a best selling fitness program, and it works.
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